Oct 27, 2024  
2024 - 2025 General Catalog and Student Handbook 
2024 - 2025 General Catalog and Student Handbook

Admission and Records

General Admission Requirements

An applicant who has not previously attended a duly accredited post-secondary institution will be designated as a first-time college student or a native student. All first-time college students must attend a new student orientation session to complete advising and orientation activities before registration. It is also required that first-time college students take Orientation and Student Success (ORI 105  ), a college student success course.

Admission Requirements

All students must complete an admission application, provide a high school transcript or GED, and any other supplemental documentation that may be required prior to beginning the registration process.


Residency Policy


  1. A resident student shall be charged the in-state tuition rate established by the Alabama Community College System Board of Trustees.
    1. A resident student is an applicant for admission who is a citizen of the United States or a duly registered resident in the State of Alabama for at least 12 months immediately preceding application for admission, or whose non-estranged spouse has resided and had habitation, home, and permanent abode in the State of Alabama for at least 12 months immediately preceding application for admission. Consequently, an out of-state student cannot retain Resident Student status simply by attending school for 12 months in the State of Alabama.
    2. In the case of minor dependents seeking admission, the parents, parent, or legal guardian of such minor dependent must have resided in the State of Alabama for at least 12 months immediately preceding application for admission. If the parents are divorced, the residency of the parent to whom the court has granted custody will determine residence.
    3. In determining Resident Student status for the purpose of charging tuition, the burden of proof lies with the applicant for admission.
  2. An individual claiming to be a resident shall certify by assigned statement each of the following:
    1. A specific address or location within the State of Alabama as his or her residence.
    2. An intention to remain at this address indefinitely.
    3. Possession of more substantial connections with the State of Alabama than with any other state.
  3. Though certification of an address and intent to remain in the state indefinitely shall be prerequisites to establishing status as a resident, ultimate determination of that status shall be made by the institution by evaluating the presence or absence of connections with the State of Alabama. This evaluation shall include the consideration of all the following connections.*
    1. Consideration of the location of high school graduation.
    2. Payment of Alabama state income taxes as a resident.
    3. Ownership of a residence or other real property in the state and payment of state ad valorem taxes on the residence or property.
    4. Full-time employment in the state.
    5. Residence in the state of a spouse, parents, or children.
    6. Previous periods of residency in the state continuing for one year or more.
    7. Voter registration and voting in the state
    8. Possession of state or local licenses to do business or practice a profession in the state.
    9. Ownership of personal property in the state, payment of state taxes on the property
    10. Possession of state license plates.
    11. Continuous physical presence in the state for a purpose other than attending school, except for temporary absences for travel, military service, and temporary employment.
    12. Membership in religious, professional, business, civic, or social organizations in the state.
    13. Maintenance in the state of checking and savings accounts, safe deposit boxes, or investment accounts.
    14. In-state address shown on selective service registration, driver’s license, automobile title registration, hunting and fishing licenses, insurance policies, stock and bond registrations, last will and testament, annuities, or retirement plans.

*See In-State Residency Documentation Checklist for a complete list of qualifying documents.

Students determined to be eligible for resident tuition will maintain that eligibility upon reenrollment within one full academic year of their most previous enrollment unless there is evidence that the student subsequently has abandoned resident status, for example, registering to vote in another state. Students failing to re-enroll within one full academic year must establish eligibility upon re-enrollment.

  1. A Non-Resident Student, one who does not meet the standard of having resided in the State of Alabama for at least 12 months immediately preceding application for admission, shall be charged the instate tuition rate established by the State Board of Education under the following circumstances, provided such student is a citizen of the United States.
    1. The dependent student whose supporting person is a full-time permanent employee of the institution at which the student is registering; or whose supporting person can verify full-time permanent employment in Alabama and will commence said employment within 90 days of registration; or whose supporting person is a member of the United States military on full-time active duty stationed in Alabama under orders for duties other than attending school; or whose supporting person is an accredited member of a consular staff assigned to duties in Alabama.
    2. The student is not a dependent (as defined by Internal Revenue Codes) who is a full-time permanent employee of the institution at which the student is registering or is the spouse of such an employee; or can verify full-time employment within the State of Alabama or is the spouse of such an employee and will commence said employment within 90 days of registration with the institution; or is a member of or the spouse of a member of the United States military on full-time active duty stationed in Alabama under orders for duties other than attending school; or is an accredited member of or the spouse of an accredited member of a consular staff assigned to duties in Alabama.
  2. In determining Non-Resident Student status for the purpose of charging tuition, the burden of proof lies with the applicant for admission. The college may request proof that the applicant meets the stipulations noted above prior to admission.
  3. The student is eligible for in-state tuition if the student resides in the state and county noted below, and attends any designated campus of Bishop State Community College:
    • Escambia County - Florida
    • Santa Rosa County - Florida
    • George County - Mississippi
    • Greene County - Mississippi
    • Harrison County - Mississippi
    • Jackson County - Mississippi
    • Perry County - Mississippi
    • Stone County - Mississippi
  4. Out-of-State Student: Any applicant for admission who does not fall into one of the categories noted above shall be charged a minimum tuition of two times the resident tuition rate charged by the institution. Students initially classified as ineligible for resident tuition will retain that classification for tuition purposes until they provide documentation that they have qualified for resident tuition.
  5. Provisional Enrollment: There are several third-party agencies responsible for the payment of tuition and fees for students attending Bishop State Community College. Because payments are not usually received by the end of the registration period, payment of tuition and fees may be deferred for 30 calendar days after the last day of registration for students receiving financial assistance from third party agencies (private, federal, and state). However, federal and state agency payments may be extended beyond the 30 calendar days after the registration period in accordance with each individual program’s procedures.

For admission to an Alabama Community College System institution, all international applicants must provide: a VISA acceptable to the United States and an official translated copy of the student’s high school/college transcript, a minimum score on an approved English as a Foreign Language exam as specified in the guidelines, signed notarized statement verifying adequate financial support, and documentation demonstrating adequate health and life insurance, which must be maintained during enrollment.

The credentials of an applicant from a foreign country for admission to the college are evaluated under the established general regulations governing admission. An applicant for admission to the College who has received disciplinary action from another institution or agency may be denied admission to the College.


Residency Policy for Veterans, Dependents, and Spouses

For the purpose of assessing tuition, students who are veterans, dependents, and spouses will receive in-state tuition rates if classified as one of the following:

Veteran Residency Requirements: (Veterans must qualify under at least one of the following two requirements).

1. Permanent civilian resident for at least one year immediately prior to initial entry into federal active military service or any subsequent entry into federal active military service where a 12 month break in service occurred AND one of the following: 

  • Current resident for at least two years immediately prior to the date of this application or date of veteran’s death; or
  • Current resident who was discharged within the last 12 months; or
  • Filed a resident Alabama income tax return for the past 10 consecutive years.

2. Bona fide permanent resident for at least five years immediately prior to the date of this application or the date of the veteran’s death. Applies to 100% permanent and total ratings only.

3. Student Requirements: As of July 31, 2017, Students applying for benefits for the first time must meet all of the following:

  • Must be a current resident of the state of Alabama at the time of application, and.
  • Must complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for each year that they are covered under the Alabama G.I. Dependent Scholarship Program; and
  • Must comply with Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) as defined by their education institution; and
  • Must complete a Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) release form for each educational institution that they attend to authorize the release of personally identifiable information required to determine continued eligibility and as required for necessary reporting.

Alabama National Guardsmen (SB315)

No public institution of higher education in the state of Alabama shall impose a non-resident free on an Alabama National Guard member in good standing and meet the following requirements:

  • The individual is 17 years of age or over.
  • The individual is a member of the Alabama National Guard in good standing throughout the period or semester for which that individual receives education benefits as indicated by continued satisfactory participation in the Alabama National Guard as required by all applicable laws and regulations of the Department of the Army, the Department of the Air Force, and the Alabama National Guard, and there is no unfavorable administrative action pending against him or her.

Addendum to the Residency Policy for Veterans, Dependents, and Spouses - Terms Beginning after March 1, 2019 (PL 115-251 Sec. 301)

The following individuals shall be charged a rate of tuition not to exceed the in-state rate for tuition and fees purposes:

  • A Veteran using educational assistance under either chapter 30 (Montgomery GI Bill® - Active Duty Program) or chapter 33 (Post-9/11 GI Bill®), of title 38, United States Code, who lives in Alabama while attending a school located in Alabama (regardless of his/her formal State of residence) and enrolls in the school after a period of active duty service of 90 days or more.
  • Anyone using transferred Post-9/11 GI Bill® benefits (38 U.S.C. § 3319) who lives in Alabama while attending a school located in Alabama (regardless of his/her formal State of residence) and enrolls in the school after a period of active duty service of 90 days or more.
  • Anyone described above while he or she remains continuously enrolled (other than during regularly scheduled breaks between courses, semesters, or terms) at the same school. The person so described must have enrolled in the school prior to the expiration of the three year period following discharge or release as described above and must be using educational benefits under either chapter 30 or chapter 33, of title 38, United States Code.
  • Anyone using benefits under the Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship (38 U.S.C. § 3311(b)(9)) who lives in Alabama while attending a school located in Alabama (regardless of his/her formal State of residence).
  • Anyone using transferred Post-9/11 GI Bill® benefits (38 U.S.C. § 3319) who lives in Alabama while attending a school located in Alabama (regardless of his/her formal state of residence) and the transfer or is a member of the uniformed service who is serving on active duty.
  • Anyone using educational assistance under chapter 31, Vocational Rehabilitation/Employment (VR&E), also be charged the resident rate. Effective for courses and terms beginning after March 1, 2019, a public institution of higher learning must charge the resident rate to chapter 31 participants, as well as the other categories of individuals described above. When an institution charges these individuals more than the rate for resident students, VA is required to disapprove programs of education sponsored by VA.

Admission to Courses Creditable Toward an Associate Degree

To be eligible for admission to courses creditable toward an associate degree, a first-time college student must meet one of the following criteria:

  • Applicants with an Alabama High School Diploma, a high school diploma of another state equivalent to an Alabama high school diploma, or an equivalent diploma issued by a non-public regionally and/or state accredited high school; OR
  • Applicants who have attended a non-accredited high school who have successfully completed courses of study on the secondary level (as evidenced by an official transcript) may be admitted; OR
  • Applicants who cannot comply with either of the above conditions may be admitted upon presentation of a Certificate of High School Equivalency (GED Certificate) evidenced by an official copy of scores from the testing site. The applicant must hold the GED Certificate prior to enrollment.

A. First Time College Students

Unconditional Admission of First-Time College Students
Applicants must have on file at the College a completed application for admission and either an official transcript from the high school attended or an official GED Certificate.  Students who have completed dual enrollment coursework from another regionally accredit institution will be required to submit an official transcript from that institution as well.

Conditional Admission of First-Time College Students
First-time freshmen may be conditionally admitted to Bishop State Community College for one semester if their official high school or GED transcripts are pending receipt. No student shall be allowed to enroll for a second semester until all required admission documents have been received by the College. Likewise, official Bishop State transcripts will not be released until all required admission documents have been received.

Students who are conditionally admitted to the College are ineligible to receive federal financial aid benefits.

B. Transfer Students

Applicants who have previously attended another regionally accredited post-secondary institution will be considered transfer students and will be required to furnish official transcripts of all work attempted at all said institutions. Applicants who have been suspended from another institution for academic or disciplinary reasons will not be considered for admission except upon appeal to the Admissions and Records Committee.

Unconditional Admission of Transfer Students

Students who have submitted to the College an application for admission and official transcripts from all duly accredited post-secondary institutions attended and their official high school transcript or GED shall be admitted as unconditional. Students who have earned an associate’s degree or higher are not required to submit a high school transcript or GED, however they still must submit submit transcripts from ALL post-secondary institutions attended. 

Conditional Admission of Transfer Students
Students who have applied but have not submitted all required documentation to the College shall be admitted as conditional status. No student will be allowed to enroll for a second semester until all required admission documents have been received by the College. Likewise, official Bishop State transcripts will not be released until all required admission documents have been received.

Students who are conditionally admitted to the College are ineligible to receive federal financial aid benefits.

Initial Academic Status of Transfer Students
Transfer students whose cumulative grade point average at the transfer institution(s) is 2.0 or above on a 4.0 scale will be admitted on CLEAR academic status.

Transfer students whose cumulative grade point average at the transfer institution(s) is less than 2.0 on a 4.0 scale will be admitted only on Academic Probation. The transcript will read ADMITTED ON ACADEMIC PROBATION. Applicants who have been academically suspended from another regionally accredited post-secondary institution may be admitted as a transfer student only after following the appeals process established at the institution for “native” students who have been academically suspended. If the transfer student is admitted upon appeal, the student will enter the institution on Academic Probation. The transcript will read ADMITTED UPON APPEAL-ACADEMIC PROBATION.

General Principles for Transfer of Credit
Courses completed at other regionally accredited post-secondary institutions with a grade of C or better will be accepted for transfer as potentially creditable toward graduation requirements.

  1. A transfer grade of “D” can be accepted towards fulfilling graduation requirements when the transfer student’s cumulative GPA from the institution’s transcript where the grade lies is a 2.0. Some programs will not accept grades of “D” towards degree completion.
  2. Coursework transferred or accepted for credit toward a program must represent collegiate coursework relevant to the formal award, with course content and level of instruction resulting in student competencies at least equivalent to those of students enrolled in the institution’s own degree and certificate programs. A course completed at other regionally or duly accredited post-secondary institutions with a passing grade will be accepted for transfer as potentially creditable toward graduation requirements.
  3. The criteria for awarding credit for work completed at international colleges and universities are the same as for institutions within the United States. Students must obtain a Course-by-Course evaluation from World Education Services (WES). You can visit their website at https://wes.org for more information.

C. Transient Students

Students who attend an institution other than Bishop State Community College, who seek credit for transfer to their home institution, may be admitted as a transient student. The student must submit an application for admission and a “letter of transiency” from the institution which certifies that the credit earned at the College will be accepted as a part of the student’s academic program. Transient letters should be submitted to the Records Office.  Letters can be emailed to records@bishop.edu or mailed to the following:

Bishop State Community College
Office of Admissions and Records/Records
351 N. Broad St.
Mobile, AL 36603

The transient letter must be received prior to the student registering for courses. Students may only register for courses listed on the letter of transiency. A student is not required to file transcripts of previously earned credits from other post-secondary institutions.

It is the student’s responsibility to request their Bishop State transcript be sent to their home institution at the end of the semester.

Transient students are not eligible to receive federal financial aid benefits.

D. Returning Bishop State Student (Readmission)

A student who has previously attended Bishop State as a credit student (after high school/GED) and is returning to the College after a break in continuous enrollment is considered a returning (readmit) student. Students who have attended the College within the past year do not need to reapply. Students who only attended the College as a dual enrollment student should apply as a first-time freshman if he or she plans to attend the College after high school graduation.

Required Admission Documentation:

  • Bishop State application for admission
  • Official high school / GED transcript documenting graduation if not already submitted
  • Official college transcripts from all previously attended institutions after last attending Bishop State

Readmission to Specialized Programs: Students seeking readmission to specialized programs, such as Nursing and Physical Therapist Assistant, should refer to the programs section of the catalog for that particular program.

E. International Students

Bishop State Community College encourages the enrollment of students from other countries. The institution subscribes to the principles of international education and to the concept that mutual respect, appreciation, and tolerance of others can be accomplished through education and understanding. The credentials of an applicant for admission from a foreign country are evaluated under the general regulations governing admission. Application documents should be submitted to the Office of the Advisor of International Students four months prior to the opening of the semester of desired admittance. This will allow time for the processing of documents and records relative to entrance and, if the applicant is admitted, obtaining a valid passport visa.

  • All students must submit an official translated copy of the high school transcript indicating course credit equivalent to American high school graduation.
  • Students must complete admission forms required of all International Students by the Office of the Advisor of International Students.
  • All students must submit a signed notarized statement declaring that they have adequate funds to cover the costs of attending Bishop State Community College.
  • Students must submit a Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) score of at least 500. (This does not apply to foreign students from English-speaking countries).
  • All students must have current immunization records. All international students are required to meet with the International Student Advisor, Mrs. Yolanda McNeil at 1-251-405-7002, located at the Downtown Campus. Entering students shall provide documentation demonstrating adequate health and life insurance which must be maintained during all period of enrollment.

International Student Insurance Requirements
The College requires all international students with non-immigrant visas to maintain adequate health insurance coverage for them and for any dependents who accompany them. This insurance must be valid during each semester they enroll. Students who are on practical training after completing their degree requirements are also subject to this regulation.

The minimum standards of health and life insurance coverage are as follows:

  • Daily room and board rate sufficient to cover the cost of a semi-private room at a local hospital
  • Outpatient coverage for physicians’ charges, laboratory costs, ambulance service, prescription drugs, and similar procedures subject to a deductible not greater than $100
  • A minimum coverage of 80% of reasonable charges after the deductible is met
  • A minimum, major-medical coverage of $25,000
  • Repatriation coverage to prepare the remains of a deceased student and return him or her to his or her country of residence
  • Medical evacuation coverage to return the student to his or her country of residence in case of extreme medical emergency

If international students do not have insurance, the College’s endorsed policy will be made available to them. Other policies may be accepted as meeting or exceeding the minimum standards of coverage by the Advisor of International Students prior to the start of the students’ first semester enrolled at Bishop State Community College.

The entire cost of the minimum required insurance and any deductibles which must be met are the sole responsibility of the student. The cost to the student will be $800 per year and/or $400 per semester, which is subject to change.

F. Accelerated High School Program

Bishop State Community College offers the high school accelerated program for high school students who may desire to earn college credit while enrolled in high school.  Note:  Credit towards high school graduation will not be awarded.

Information must be obtained from the Office of Early College Programs. A student is eligible for early admission if the student meets all of the following criteria:

  • The student has successfully completed the 10th grade
  • The student provides certification from the local principal or his or her designee certifying that the student has a cumulative 3.0 grade point average. An unofficial transcript will satisfy this requirement.
  • The student provides a certification letter from the local principal or his or her designee certifying that the student is recommended to be admitted under this policy.
  • The student may enroll only in Post secondary courses for which high school prerequisites have been completed (For example: a student may not take English Composition until all required high school English courses have been completed)
  • All seniors must submit their ACT scores or take the ACCUPLACER Test.
  • Exceptions may be granted for students documented as gifted and talented only in accordance with the standards included in the State Plan of Exceptional Children and Youth. Exceptions apply only to the first two requirements.

G. Dual Enrollment/Dual Credit for High School Students:

Bishop State Community College provides post-secondary instructional opportunities to eligible high school students through the State Board of Education Policy 801.03, Dual Enrollment/Dual Credit for High School Students. This policy allows eligible high school students to enroll in college classes concurrently with high school classes, and to receive both high school and college credit where appropriate. There must be on file at Bishop State Community College a formal written agreement between the student’s local school board and Bishop State Community College before approval for Dual Enrollment/Dual Credit admission is granted.

1. To be eligible the student must meet the following requirements:

  • Students must satisfy the requirements prescribed in Procedure 801.01: Admission: General, with the exception of proof of high school graduation or GED completion.
  • Students must be in grade 10, 11, or 12. An exception may be granted by the Chancellor for students documented as gifted and talented in accordance with Alabama Administrative Code §290-8-9.12.
  • Students seeking enrollment in Dual Enrollment for Dual Credit coursework must have a minimum cumulative (unweighted) high school grade point average of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale for academic coursework. 
  • Students must have written approval of the appropriate principal or career and technical education program representative (if applicable) and counselor. Dual Enrollment for Dual Credit eligibility for students enrolled in private, home school/private tutor, parochial, or church/religious secondary educational entities must be documented in writing by an appropriate school official. Approval from secondary school officials indicates that the student has demonstrated both academic readiness and social maturity.
  • The ACCS institution has the right to restrict a student’s enrollment on the basis of academic readiness, social maturity, health and safety concerns, course availability, and/or local institutional policy.

2. Placement and Pre-Requisites:

  • All dually enrolled students must take a state-approved college placement test, where minimum placement is required, specifically for college-level English, math or reading courses. Students in the 10th or 11th grade registering only for career and technical courses may take a state approved placement test but are not required to do so. Colleges must ensure that all students take a state-approved college placement test prior to registering for dual enrollment courses for the 12th grade year.
  • Students must meet all applicable pre-requisites prior to enrolling in courses.
  • Developmental courses (those numbered below 100) are not offered through dual enrollment.

3. Continuous Eligibility for Dual Enrollment for Dual Credit:

  • Students who meet the criteria for initial admission for a Dual Enrollment for Dual Credit program as specified in Section 2 will maintain continuous eligibility so long as they earn a grade of C or better in all attempted college courses.
  • Students who fail to meet this minimum grade requirement or who withdraw from a course will be suspended from the program for a minimum of one term. The one-term suspension may not be served during the summer. The student may not re-enroll until the suspension has been served. For re-entry, the student must reapply to the program and must meet the minimum grade point average requirements as identified in Section 1. 

Students may enroll in occupational/technical courses/programs in accordance with guidelines of the Alabama Community College System.

All credit for coursework completed under these provisions is held in escrow until the student provides proof of high school graduation (final high school transcripts). Transcripts issued prior to a student’s high school graduation will be labeled “conditional credit”. Upon proof of high school graduation, this notation will be removed from the transcript.

Three semester credit hours at the post-secondary level shall equal one credit at the high school level in the same or related subject.

H. Audit Student

An audit student is an applicant who wishes to enroll for classes only on an audit basis. The applicant must comply with the college admissions requirements by submitting an application for admission and an official high school transcript or GED certificate, and official transcripts from all colleges attended. Students who have earned an associate’s degree or higher are not required to submit a high school transcript or GED, however they still must submit submit transcripts from ALL post-secondary institutions attended.  Audit students must abide by class attendance policy and all standard course requirements, excluding the completion of course examinations. The cost of auditing a course is the same as enrolling for credit. Course auditing must be approved by the appropriate Dean before enrolling.

Admission to Non-Credit Special Course

The College offers non-credit, short-term, special courses for which admission requirements will be established by the nature of the particular course. Application for regular college admission is not required for a student who intends to take special courses only. Additional information about these courses may be obtained by contacting the Workforce Development Department at 251-405-7082 or email workforce@bishop.edu.

Admission of Ability to Benefit Students

Applicants to courses and programs comprised exclusively of courses not creditable toward an associate degree may be admitted if they meet the above standards or if they are at least 16 years of age and have not been enrolled in secondary education for at least one calendar year (or upon the recommendation of the local superintendent) and have specifically documented ability to benefit. The College may establish higher or additional requirements for a specific program or service when student enrollment must be limited to assure ability to benefit. These students shall be classified as “Non- Degree-Eligible” students and shall not be allowed to enroll in courses creditable toward an associate degree.

Admission to Specialized Programs

Several occupational programs such as Nursing, Physical Therapist Assistant, Cosmetology, Truck Driving, and Health Information Technology have special admission requirements. Please refer to the admission requirements for these programs, or contact the appropriate department for additional information. (In addition to the policies and procedures in this catalog, all nursing and physical therapist assistant students are governed by program handbooks that take precedence over the catalog in the areas covered by the program handbooks.


Placement Assessment Requirements

All students who attend Bishop State will be placed in English and Mathematics courses using placement guidelines enforced by the Alabama Community College System (ACCS). Listed below are the ways a student’s placement can be determined.

  1. ACT Score: If you obtain a copy of your ACT scores* from the school you attended or from the ACT website, (http://www.act.org/content/act/en/products-and-services/the-act/scores.html), the college can use your scores to determine your placement criteria. *ACT scores are valid for 5 years.
  2. Official High School Transcript: If you obtain an official high school transcript* from the high school you attended, it can be used to determine your placement criteria. *Official High School transcripts MUST come from the school. Unofficial transcripts will not be accepted for placement purposes.
  3. Accuplacer Test: All students that cannot obtain either of the first two previous options can schedule to take the Accuplacer Placement Test. You can call the Learning Assistance Center at (251) 405-7100 to schedule the test by phone.

To review the placement guidelines for English and Math please click on the link below:

English and Mathematics Placement Chart  

Placement Assessment Retest Policy

In order that retesting is not abused, acceptable reasons for retesting include: (1) attempting to improve scores for higher course placement, (2) never enrolled in English, reading or mathematics courses, and (3) ACCUPLACER test or any other assessment was taken over five years ago. The retesting fee is $10.00 per component. Retesting fees must be paid in the Business Office prior to retesting. Students must present their receipt in order to retest.

Credit for Non-Traditional and Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) Credit

Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) is a means for a student to receive college level credit for learning that took place in a non-traditional learning environment, such as on-the-job training, military training, professional development seminars, volunteerism, and experience in-field. PLA relies heavily on aligning learning gained through experience with outcomes found in traditional courses of higher education.

A maximum of 25% of non-traditional credit may be awarded and applied toward graduation. Non-traditional credit is not posted to the student’s transcript until the student is enrolled. Non-traditional credit may not count toward the 25% of Bishop State work needed to satisfy residency for graduation. Students may not earn credit, through non-traditional academic work, for any course in which a grade has previously been received.

PLA applies only to non-academic transfer courses. Credit awarded through nontraditional means for academic transfer courses may be awarded by examination or nationally recognized guidelines (AP, CLEP, ACT/PEP, DSST, Challenge Exams, ACE PONSI/CREDIT, ACE/MILITARY) or through other statewide programs identified by the Alabama Community College System office.

Applicants must have their official test scores sent directly to the Records Office from the appropriate testing agency.

Acceptance of non-traditional academic work by Bishop State does not guarantee that other institutions will accept such work. This determination will be made by the respective transfer institution. Bishop State considers credit for Non-Traditional Academic Work as transfer work and a grade of “TS” (Satisfactory) will be assigned for the course. For questions and more information about Prior Learning Assessment, contact the Records Office at 251-405-7003 or email records@bishop.edu.

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

Bishop State awards credit for CLEP Subject Examinations with a minimum score of 50 or higher earned on each exam. Students may receive CLEP credit instead of enrolling in the equivalent course by submitting official CLEP scores to the Records Office for evaluation. Click the link below for the list of approved subject examinations and their Bishop State equivalents.

CLEP Credit Chart    

Advanced Placement Test (AP)

Bishop State awards credit for Advanced Placement courses taken in high school with scores of 3 or higher earned on the national examinations of the College Entrance Examination Board Advanced Placement Program. Click the link below for the list of approved courses.

AP Credit Chart   

Military Credit

Military credit may be awarded on the basis of recommendations in the Guide to the Evaluations of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services published by the American Council on Education. Credit may be awarded if Bishop State offers an equivalent course and the ACE credit hour recommendation is the same as the course offered by Bishop State. Students will be awarded credit for completion of Basic Training with the following courses: HED 221 Personal Health (3 semester hours) and PED 100 Fundamentals of Fitness (3 semester hours). Students must submit their Joint Services Transcript, (JST) directly to the Records Office.

OneACCS Login

OneACCS allows students to register and pay for their classes online, view transcripts, access DegreeWorks, plus many other functions. It is available to ALL ADMITTED STUDENTS!

  1. Open your Internet browser and go to Bishop State’s home page, www.bishop.edu.
  2. Click on the Student OneACCS Login link at the top of the page. On the next page click on Click here to access the OneACCS Portal.
  3. Username: Bishop State email address (Ex., jsmith0101@bishop.edu)
  4. Password: Bishop! plus your six-digit date of birth. Example: If your birthday is 01/01/1995, your password will be Bishop!010195. The password is case sensitive.
  5. If you do not know your Bishop State email address or need assistance with your OneACCS password, submit a helpdesk ticket to IT services by emailing them at itservices@bishop.edu.

Campus E-mail

College they will be assigned a Bishop State student email address. Students will receive an email to the email address provided on their application with their Bishop State email address. The address is typically in the format of the student’s first initial, last name, and the 4-digit month and day of their birthday followed by @bishop.edu. Example: John Smith, birthday 01/01/1992, jsmith0101@bishop.edu.

All students must regularly check their Bishop State email account. Once a student has enrolled, the College will no longer communicate with the student through their personal email. Students taking online or hybrid courses will only be contacted through their student email account.

Login Instructions

  1. Go to bishop.edu and click on the Campus Email link
  2. Enter the Bishop State email address
  3. The password will initially be the student’s A Number (Student Number)
  4. Students will be required to change their password at the initial login

Having E-mail Trouble?

If you are having trouble accessing your Campus E-mail account submit a helpdesk ticket from your personal e-mail account to itservices@bishop.edu. Be sure to include your A number, your name, and the problem you are having.

Schedule Changes

Drop/Add Period: Students may drop and add courses during the official drop/add late registration period as indicated on the college calendar. Students may drop/add courses at any time until the last day of the drop/add late registration period through their OneACCS account. Students may drop all of their classes except for the last one. Once classes begin students must use the Withdrawal Form to drop all of their classes.


Withdrawals from a course that occur after the add/drop period has ended and prior to the last day to withdraw from a course as designated in the college calendar will result in the student receiving (a) non-punitive grade of “W”.

A Complete Withdrawal occurs when a student withdraws from all of his or her courses after the add/drop period and prior to the last day to withdraw from courses as designated in the college calendar. Students will receive a grade of “W” in each class.

Withdrawals from a Course

It is the responsibility of the student to initiate the process for dropping a course. Students who wish to withdraw from a course prior to the end of the current term must complete the following process:

Students should log into their OneACCS account. Once logged in they should click on Registration → Register for Classes → Select a Term. On the Schedule Summary they should click on the drop down menu next to the course they wish to withdraw from and select DROP. A student may not drop all of their classes through their OneACCS account. To completely withdraw from the College a student will need to follow the Complete Withdrawal from the College process.

Complete Withdrawal from the College

Upon entering Bishop State Community College, the student assumes the responsibility of completing the academic program in which he or she is registered. Students who wish to exit the College prior to the end of the current term must follow the process described below. It is the student’s responsibility to initiate the Complete Withdrawal Process.

To withdraw from the College a student should navigate to the following link to access the Withdrawal Form: https://www.bishop.edu/admissions/withdrawal-policies. A representative from the Academic Advising Center will make a reasonable effort to contact the student within 3 business days of the withdrawal’s submission to counsel the student. Students who wish to reverse their withdrawal after counseling will be allowed to do so by emailing the Records Office at records@bishop.edu from their Bishop State email address requesting the reversal. The email should include the student’s name, A number, date of birth, and a complete list of the classes which should include the name of the class and the course reference number (CRN). Requests to reverse a withdrawal must be submitted within 5 business days from the date of submission. Requests made after the last day to drop a class/withdraw from the College, will not be honored.

Academic Bankruptcy

Academic bankruptcy is the removal of one to three semesters of grades from the calculation of a student’s cumulative grade point average (GPA). The following apply to any request for academic bankruptcy:

  1. Academic bankruptcy is initiated by filling out the Request for Academic Bankruptcy Form.
  2. Upon receipt of the student’s request, the college will inform the student that an award of academic bankruptcy may impact his/her financial aid status.
  3. Academic bankruptcy may only be declared once and may be applied to no more than three (3) semesters, which do not have to be consecutive.
  4. The bankrupted courses and grades remain on the transcript but are not calculated in the student’s cumulative GPA.
  5. None of the coursework taken during a semester for which academic bankruptcy is declared, including hours completed satisfactorily, will be used to fulfill degree requirements.
  6. Developmental courses successfully completed during a period of academic bankruptcy can be used to fulfill prerequisites.
  7. To be eligible for academic bankruptcy, the student must have completed 12 semester credit hours of coursework at the college since the most recent semester for which the academic bankruptcy is requested. A grade of “C”, “S”, or higher is required in each course in 12 semester credit hours in the post-bankruptcy period.
  8. When a student receives a declaration of academic bankruptcy, a permanent notation of “ACADEMIC BANKRUPTCY” will be reflected on the transcript for each semester affected.
  9. Approval of the academic bankruptcy status at a college does not guarantee other institutions will honor that status. This determination will be made by the respective transfer institution(s).

Course Forgiveness

Course forgiveness is implemented when a student repeats a course and the higher/highest grade awarded (excluding the grade of W) replaces all previous grades for that course in the computation of the cumulative grade point average. The official transcript will list the course and grade each time it is attempted.

When a student completes a course more than once, the highest grade will be counted in the GPA and all other grades excluded from the GPA. Official transcripts will list each course in which a student was enrolled.

A student may repeat a course more than once, but the course may be counted only once toward fulfillment of credit hours for graduation.


Bishop State Student Transient Policy

A student enrolled at Bishop State is not permitted to take credit work as a transient student at another institution to be applied toward a degree without prior permission from the Records Office. The permission must be in writing, specifying which courses are acceptable and their equivalents at Bishop State. 

  • Transient course approval may be granted to students in good academic standing. 
  • The student must complete the Transient Letter Request form. 
  • The student must submit a copy of the course description from the college to be attended with the Transient Letter Request form. 
  • If approved, the Records Office will send a copy of the Transient Letter Approval to the student’s Bishop State email address. 

At the end of the semester, it is the responsibility of the student to submit an official copy of the transcript from the attending college to Bishop State’s Records Office. Failure to obtain prior approval may result in loss of transfer credit for the course work. The Transient Letter Request may be obtained from the Records Office or by emailing records@bishop.edu. Once completed, the form and course descriptions may be emailed to records@bishop.edu or brought in person to the office. Transient approval cannot be granted to students on suspension. Approval cannot be granted for a course the student is not eligible to take at Bishop State. Please allow 5 business days for processing. Career Tech courses will have to be approved by the appropriate department chair.

Graduation Requirements

A student shall be awarded the Associate in Arts, Associate in Science, Associate in Applied Science, Associate in Occupational Technologies degrees, Certificate, or a Short-Term Certificate, upon satisfactory completion of the requirements of the specific program as specified by the college. A student must:

  1. Satisfactorily pass all required courses and complete the prescribed number of credit hours in a degree or certificate program as outlined in the student’s degree plan. Check the College’s website or your program advisor for your degree plan requirements.
  2. Earn a 2.0 or higher cumulative grade point average in all courses attempted at the College. The calculation of the grade point average for graduation shall not include grades earned in institutional (developmental) credit courses. A course may be counted only once for purposes of meeting graduation requirements.
  3. Officially transfer all credits from other post-secondary institutions, if applicable.
  4. Complete at least 25% of total credit hours in the program at Bishop State Community College, if seeking an award.
  5. Complete all general education requirements and elective requirements as listed in the degree plan of study.
  6. Meet satisfactory attainment of general education core competencies through classroom assessment activities or exit examination, prior to receiving an associate degree. (Applicable to all students receiving AA, AS, AAS, and AOT degrees).
  7. After completion of all program requirements, Bishop State will award the appropriate degree or certificate at the time that the student becomes eligible. 

    The Records Office will send notification letters to all potential graduates each term.  A separate letter will be sent after the term ends to notify students who have completed all of their graduation requirements that their award has been conferred. 

    Students who do not receive a graduation letter but who believe that they should be graduating should consult with their academic advisor

  8. Coursework transferred or accepted for credit toward an undergraduate degree must represent collegiate coursework relevant to the degree with course content and level of instruction resulting in student competencies at least equivalent to those of students enrolled in the institution’s own undergraduate degree programs.
  9. Fulfill all financial obligations to the College.
  10. Pay the $55 graduation fee.  This fee covers the student’s regalia to participate in the yearly graduation ceremony that is held at the end of the spring semester.  It also covers the diploma fee for their diploma or certificate.  Students who will receive multiple awards must pay an additional $15 for each additional diploma or certificate that they earned.  Students who do not wish to participate in the graduation ceremony must pay the $15 diploma fee for each award that they earned.
  11. The Director of Admissions and Records shall approve the formal award when the student meets all requirements for graduation satisfactorily.
  12. The Appropriate Dean shall have final approval of the awards to be conferred.


A student who wishes to participate in the Spring Graduation Ceremony but who is unable to complete the requirements for their program of study until the end of the summer semester of the same year may do so if they adhere to the following:
  1. The student may not have more than 9 hours of coursework to complete their program of study.
  2. The student must pre-register for all needed coursework prior to ordering their graduation regalia. (Some programs do not allow students to pre-register for classes until after the end of the current semester which may preclude them from participating in the spring graduation ceremony).
  3.  The student understands that participating in the graduation ceremony does not mean that they have graduated or are entitled to receive an award.  
  4. The student must successfully complete the summer semester before their transcript will be coded for graduation and their diploma is issued.

New Student Orientation

New students are required to attend a new student orientation session prior to regular registration at Bishop State Community College.  This session is designed to acquaint students with college life and the academic environment, advising process, policies and procedures, student services, and extracurricular activities available on campus. The orientation information on placement testing, introduction to academic programs and requirements, selection of a major field of study, and advising on class schedule preparation and registration.

In addition to the orientation session, new students are required to enroll in Orientation and Student Success (ORI 105   ), a three credit hour course designed to give information about college life and strategies on how to be a successful college student.  *Students who have completed 50% or more of their current degree or certificate through native or transfer coursework may not be required to take ORI 105.  Students who have previously completed ORI 101 with a grade of D or higher will also not be required to take ORI 105  .

*Some programs require ORI 105   regardless of the amount of the degree has been completed.  


Registration dates for each semester are published in advance and can be found on the College’s website and on the College’s calendar. Information regarding registration is sent to new students at the time they are accepted. Students are encouraged to meet with an academic advisor or counselor prior to registration.

Any registration which is completed after the beginning of classes is considered late. Late registration dates will be published in the College Calendar and on the College’s website. No credit will be awarded to any student who (1) is not properly registered for a class; (2) has not paid all tuition and/or fees; or (3) has not resolved all registration discrepancies during the term in which the discrepancies occurred or before the first day of class of the next term.